5 Steps to a Successful Kosher Kitchen Remodel
Every kitchen remodel presents its own set of challenges, but a kosher kitchen is in a league of its own!
If you’re currently planning a kosher kitchen remodel, you know there are plenty of rules you should abide by. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice style or ease of use. Our award-winning team knows how to strike the right balance between both qualities. We’ll make sure you’re comfortable with the remodeling process and thrilled with the results.
Check out our top tips for remodeling a kosher kitchen below.
1. Review all Kosher Kitchen Requirements
There are several places on the web where you can research kosher kitchens. Gather as much information as you can. Here are a few resources to get you started:
Of course, the best resource to gain clarity on your kosher kitchen is your local Rabbi— “kosher” requirements aren’t all the same for every Jewish sect.
2. Hire a Pro Kitchen Remodeling Team
If you don’t want to waste time agonizing over whether the design for your kosher kitchen will translate well to your contractors, hire a professional kitchen remodeling team. If you have friends or relatives who have remodeled their kitchens using a professional service, then ask for recommendations.
If you have a few design and remodeling firms in mind, find out if they have experience in creating kosher kitchens, and ask to see examples. True professionals will be able to walk that line between kosher and personalized. They’ll also make sure you don’t forget anything important.
3. Double Up on Storage
Most kosher kitchens require double the storage to avoid contamination between sets of cookware. Make sure you’ve incorporated enough storage to accommodate the following (and more!):
- Two sets of dishes
- Two sets of mixing bowls
- Two sets of pots/pans
- Two sets of cups/utensils
- Two sets of flatware
- Two sets of serving ware
- Two sets of linens
As long as these items are separated, they may not require individual cabinets. You can even color code items to keep them separated. However, it can be easier to keep things divided if you do double up on cabinets—particularly with young children or guests in the kitchen. A great professional remodeler can help you incorporate extra cabinet space in a natural and beautiful way.
4. Look for STAR-K Certified Appliances
These days, even ovens and icemakers can be programmed to keep the Sabbath! When you’re shopping around for appliances, always seek out the STAR-K logo to ensure that everything from your fridge to your oven keeps kosher. You may not need to double up on the refrigerators if you’re extra careful to keep things separated and clean (you can purchase additional bins from home goods stores), but it’s also easier to have two refrigerators to keep things simple. Even your stove should be restricted to separate burners for meat or dairy.
Side note: a single dishwasher can’t be kosher, however, dishwasher drawers may be sufficient for you. If you do get two dishwashers, you have plenty of options, or you can use separate sinks to wash by hand (see #3). This is a big category, but you can go over all the details of kosher kitchen appliances with your Rabbi and kitchen remodeling and design professional.
5. Divide Up Your Sink and Counter Space
Make sure that your sink and counters are just as separated as your fridge. We recommend you opt for two separate sinks, as it’s very difficult to keep from splashing into one side or the other on a divided sink. (That goes for sponges and towels, too!) Of course, countertops should be distinct from one another as well—it’s best to not to prepare foods or slice and dice directly on your countertop. Just get several neat cutting boards or trivets.
If you’re on the hunt for an expert team with experience remodeling kosher kitchens, look no further than Design Studio West! We’d love to meet with you at our state-of-the-art La Jolla showroom to discuss your options. We’ll use our signature clear and trusted remodeling and design process to ensure you get the kosher kitchen of your dreams. Get in touch with us today!